YouthIES Platform


Explore our comprehensive Open Resource eToolkit, designed for youth and featuring 50 resources on Urban Farming, Ecological Footprint, Nature-based solutions, and Design Thinking methods. Enhance your skills in Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test phases with practical and innovative solutions. 


10 Types of Urban Farming to Practice

A guidebook for visual thinking techniques & design thinking strategies as tools for young learners in a virtual world

Beyond Circular Fashion

Checklist Talking about Composting/recycling

Checklist Talking about Design Thinking

Checklist Talking about Urban Farming

Cornucopia | Environmental Simulation Game

Create Something Amazing With Design Thinking

Design Thinking in the Classroom

Ecological footprint

Ecological Footprint calculator

Ecovillage: Transport

Electric scooters – a new solution for urban mobility?

Ensuring effective Nature-based Solutions

EU-27 ecological footprint was primarily driven by food consumption and exceeded regional biocapacity from 2004 to 2014

Exploring Natural Solutions: Caring for Our Environment

Farm on a Paris rooftop: Urban farm aims to be Europe’s largest

Find out the facts about plastic waste and recycling in the EU

Five Step Framework for Design Thinking Infographic

Food & the Ecological Footprint

Global Footprint Network Open Data (global)

Green Living Workshop: Composting & Recycling Essentials

Importance of Recycling – Animated Video For Kids

Infographic on EU targets for municipal waste and statistics in member states

IUCN: Championing nature-based solutions

Nature-based Solutions and global climate protection

Nature-based solutions can help cool the planet — if we act now

Positioning workshops to co-create mapping of community-based environmental issues

Reducing food loss and food waste

Reusable VS single-use packaging

Role Playing

Save Energy – European Mobility Week

Sustainable and smart mobility in Europe

Sustainable and smart mobility strategy – EP briefing

Talking about nature-based solutions. you already did it

Talking about SUSTAINABLE MOBILTY. Did you already…

Talking about zero waste. Did you already…

The core of ‘design thinking’ and its application

The Design Thinking Process

The Ecological Footprint Explained

The New EU Urban Mobility Framework

The Revolution of Urban Farming

Transport and mobility sector factsheet

Untangled: Nature-Based Solutions

Urban Farming

Urban Farming Exploration and Planting Party

Urban Gardening Benefits and Techniques

Waste and recycling

Waste management indicators

What are Nature-based Solutions (NbS)?

What are Nature-based Solutions?

What is design thinking and why is it important?

What Types of Farming Practices Are Used in Urban Agriculture?

Why is Composting Good for the Environment?

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