YouthIES Platform

Policy tal-Privatezza

Meta tuża s-servizzi tagħna, tkun qed tafdana bl-informazzjoni tiegħek. Aħna nifhmu li din hija responsabbiltà kbira u naħdmu biex nipproteġu l-informazzjoni tiegħek u npoġġuk f’kontroll. Din il-Politika ta’ Privatezza hija maħsuba biex tgħinek tifhem x’informazzjoni niġbru, għaliex niġbruha, u kif tista’ taġġorna, timmaniġġja, tesporta u tħassar l-informazzjoni tiegħek.

  1. Korp responsabbli

Il-korp responsabbli għall-valutazzjoni, l-ipproċessar u l-użu tad-data personali tiegħek fil-kuntest tal-użu tas-servizzi offruti mill-Pjattaforma YouthIES fit-tifsira tal-liġi Griega tal-Protezzjoni tad-Data huwa l-Istitut tal-Iżvilupp tal-Intraprenditorija (iED), Valtetsiou & Tripoleos, 41336, Larissa, il-Greċja.

  1. Ġbir, ipproċessar u użu ta’ data personali

2.1. Data personali

Id-data personali hija dikjarazzjonijiet li jikkonċernaw ċirkustanzi fattwali jew personali ta’ persuna fiżika speċifika jew determinabbli. Dawn jinkludu, pereżempju, ismek, l-indirizz tiegħek kif ukoll id-data kollha tal-inventarju li tagħtina waqt ir-reġistrazzjoni u l-ħolqien tal-profil tiegħek. Id-data statistika, li, pereżempju, tinġabar matul iż-żjara tiegħek fil-website tagħna, iżda li ma tistax tiġi attribwita direttament lill-persuna tiegħek, mhijiex inkluża fid-data personali.

2.2. Valutazzjoni, ipproċessar u użu ta’ data personali

Meta żżur il-website tagħna, is-servers tagħna temporanjament jaħżnu kull aċċess f’file log. Id-data li ġejja tiġi rreġistrata mingħajr input addizzjonali tiegħek u maħżuna minna sat-tħassir awtomatizzat: l-indirizz IP tal-kompjuter li qed jagħmel mistoqsija, id-data u l-ħin tal-aċċess, l-isem u l-URL tal-file aċċessat, il-website minn fejn sar l-aċċess, il- sistema operattiva tal-kompjuter tiegħek u l-browser użat kif ukoll data teknika oħra, l-isem tal-fornitur tal-aċċess għall-internet tiegħek, is-settings tal-lingwa tiegħek u l-oriġini ġeografika.

The purpose of the collection and processing of this data is allowing the use of our website (establishing a connection), ensuring a lasting system security and stability, enabling the technical administration of the net infrastructure and the optimization of our internet range, and making internal statistic recordings. The IP address is only analysed in case of an offence against the YouthIES Platform infrastructure and for statistical purposes.

The entry of personal data for the creation and completion of your profile on YouthIES Platform is done on a voluntary basis. However, the truthful entry of certain data is crucial. This includes the following: your first and last name, a password and a valid e-mail address.

This data is necessary for the development and administration of YouthIES Platform. During the use of YouthIES Platform by registered users, we record certain data for statistical purposes, to ensure the smooth efficiency of it, to eliminate malfunctions, for the better understanding of user requirements and the subsequent product optimisation and personalization, and also to display this to other users. Accesses are logged and evaluated. The e-mail address is especially used to send e-mails similar information.

  1. Sharing your personal data to others

We only pass on your personal information in case of a legal requirement, for a credit assessment, an address check, to transfer information to a credit reference and insofar as it is necessary for us to enforce our rights, and especially our contractual claims.

  1. Data safety

We use suitable technical and organizational security measures in order to protect your data, which has been stored by ourselves, from manipulation, partial or complete loss and unauthorized access by third parties. Our security measures are constantly improved correspondent to the technological developments.

  1. Cookies and re-targeting

5.1 Cookies

Cookies are small files which are stored on your data storage device and save certain settings and data to communicate with our system over your browser. Basically one distinguishes two kinds of cookies; so-called session cookies, which are deleted as soon as you close your browser and temporary / permanent cookies, which are stored for a longer period or for an unlimited period on your data storage device. This storage helps us to fashion our website and our offers to you accordingly, and facilitates the use for you, for example by saving certain entries to avoid you having to repeat them.

In this respect, cookies help to make your visit on YouthIES Platform easier, more enjoyable and more worthwhile. Cookies are alphanumeric information files which your browser automatically saves to the hard drive of your computer whenever you visit our website.

We will, for example, use cookies to identify you as a user without you having to log in each time. Using cookies does not signify that we receive new personal data about you as an online visitor. Most internet browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you may configure your browser in such a way that no cookies are saved on your computer, or a notification appears each time you receive a new cookie.

You may also configure your browser so that a cookie will only be saved with your permission. Usually, the help function in the menu bar of your browser will tell you how to reject new cookies and disable previously received cookies.

5.2 Cookies and re-targeting

The YouthIES Platform is using a cookie technology to collect data to optimize offers and advertisements. The data will be anonymized and not used to identify you in person. This data will also not be merged or connected to saved personal data. With the help of the anonymized data we can present offers, services and advertisements that are of interest to you.

  1. Ads

Ads appearing on any of our websites may be delivered to users by advertising partners, who may set cookies. These cookies allow the ad server to recognize your computer each time they send you an online advertisement to compile information about you or others who use your computer. This information allows ad networks to, among other things, deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you. This Privacy Policy covers the use of cookies by YouthIES Platform and does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers.

  1. Google Analytics

In order to constantly enhance and optimise our offer, we use so-called tracking-technologies. For this purpose we use the services of Google Analytics.

  1. Disclosure, modification, blocking or deletion of your data

You may request information regarding and the modification of your personal data saved by us at any time, or view and modify the data in your public profile by logging in to the online platform. Your data will be deleted upon request. As we take the protection of your data very seriously, in order to be able to ensure that your information is not disclosed to a third person, we would ask you to address your request to us per e-mail

  1. Business Transfers

If iED, or substantially all of its assets, were acquired, or in the unlikely event that iED, goes out of business or enters bankruptcy, user information would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any acquirer of iED may continue to use your personal information as set forth in this policy.

  1. Privacy Policy Changes

Although most changes are likely to be minor, YouthIES Platform may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and in YouthIES Platform’s sole discretion. If you have an account, you might receive an alert informing you of these changes. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.

  1. GDPR Complaint

If you have the suspicion that your personal data are not treated in a proper way or there is a violation of the terms described above, then we strongly advise you to send an email to with your Name, E-mail, and reason for Complaint of GDPR violation. iED’s DPO will process your complaint and will take over all the requested actions.

This website uses cookies and asks your personal data to enhance your browsing experience. We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring your data is handled in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).